Find out realtime ranking of you and your favorite Instagram profiles with detailed statistics and discover new Instagram profiles based on their categories!
Enjoy navigating Instagram with HYPEBOARDs unique features:
- Connect your Instagram profile and add yourself on the ranking list
- Free detailed statistics for your connected Instagram profile
- Realtime rankings of categorized Instagram profiles. Categories include Actors, Musicians, Lifestyles, Athletes, Fashion, Luxury, Travel, Arts, K-POP, and so on
- HYPEBOARDs state of the art ranking algorithm provides dynamic ranking lists by focusing on capturing the most interactive Instagram profiles
- Detailed statistics of Instagram profiles with Daily, Weekly, and Monthly analysis
- Suggest your favorite Instagram profiles and categories to be added on the ranking list
Please feel free to send us suggestions via "Send us feedback" feature in our app
Disclaimer: HYPEBOARD is not affiliated with Instagram